Experience runs deep at Matrix, a small company with big company experience. Three decades of implementing and improving remediation technologies. We are a specialized environmental contracting company with long term client, regulatory, contractor and vendor relationships. We bring our expertise and extensive network into any project scenario, as a subcontractor in the field, technology provider, engineering support, or all of the above. Our goal is to exceed client expectations, meet regulatory objectives and grow long term relationships.
Environmental Solutions for a Cleaner World
Innovative Consulting, Engineering, & Remediation Services
What Our Clients Say
"Over eleven Matrix Oxygen Injection Systems (MOIS) used at various sites in Kansas, many of which have moved onto new projects. Taking care of any residual contamination from site excavating is faster and more economical than most technologies. Setup, startup and operational training are a breeze. Once electrical power is supplied and connected, only injection lines need to be connected followed by startup and training. Most sites can be completeed within a half of a day. Maintenance is quicker and easier than a traditional SVE/AS system. Most quarterly visit issues can be handled in a matter of a couple hours including oil change, filters, adjustments etc. I had a site neighbor thank us for moving a MOIS unit in to replace an older SVE/AS system which was worn out. The MOIS unit was much quieter and actually reduced the gasoline contamination levels at the site faster than the old system."